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Hombre - Body Toning Moisturizer 200ml

Valuación 5/5 (Numero de votos: 3)
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Collistar Body Toning Moisturizer for men 200ml.

Consulte la descripción

No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  
COLLISTAR Body Toning Moisturizer for men

A powerful moisturizing and toning cream-gel that stands out for its completely original formula and the speed with which it is absorbed by the skin. It leaves a dry and light veil on the body that allows you to get dressed straight away – an advantage for the most demanding of consumers – ensuring moisturization, vitality and softness while leaving the user with an intense feeling of freshness and wellbeing.


Who it is for: perfect for all skin types

How to use: apply to the body, gently massaging into the skin to maximize absorption.

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de ID USUARIO 157642 en 04/10/2013
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