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Mouth Guard Professional Color: Amarillo

Valuación 4/5 (Numero de votos: 1)

LEONE Mouth Guard Professional PD508 Mouthguards, protection for combat sports, double-arch mouthguard

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No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  

LEONE Mouth Guard Professional

Mouthguards, protections for combat sports


Article code: PD508

Professional Mouthguard with anatomical drawing thermoformable, customizable technique "Boil and Bite" (in hot water) MADE IN ITALY

Chemical characterization and structure of the material:
ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymer thermoplastic low crystallinity. Suitable for all contact sport as the most suitable for the realization of dental protections.

Product Description:
Designed for all contact sports provides excellent breathing and guarantees total protection of the teeth and jaw. Drawn on anatomical values is able to absorb the energy developed by the impact significantly reducing the risk of trauma to ' athlete.
The high level of adaptability results in an incredible level of stability which in turn is straduce in comfort. The unique anatomical design provides easy adaptation to natural dentition, while the physical / mechanical properties of the material and the calibrated shims ensure its function.
The key CDV system (Control of Vertical Dimension) facilitates the personalization operations, controls the correct closure of the teeth, determines the ideal thickness of material to achieve an effective "Bearing Occlusal".
The CDV System with The ergonomic handle facilitates all operations of customization and control the closing through the bite of occlusal stops calibrated to 2.5 mm. Ideal for all orthodontic brackets.


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