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The Ninja Warrior Color: Amarillo

Valuación 5/5 (Numero de votos: 4)
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Otomix The Ninja Warrior.

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Otomix - The Ninja Warrior - IAFSTORE.COM
OTOMIX The Ninja Warrior
Code: M3333

Otomix has been manufacturing shoes since 1988.
Performance workout shoes for specialized extreme sports.
All designs are original and authentic.
The Ninja Warrior is the latest design by Otomix.
This is a style update to the Stingray with a slightly wider toebox for those that need the extra room.
You can buy specialized shoes for Boxing, weightlifting, MMA, Bodybuilding, boxing, wrestling, grappling, Taekwondo, Tae-bo, Karate, crossfit training, Yoga, fitness, walking and much more.
The newest craze to hit the gym floor isn't that new at all, weightlifting shoes have been around since the 80's.
The first company to create them was Otomix.
These shoes were popular when bodybuilders wore those big bright baggy workout pants.

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