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Sodo - Gel Reafirmante de Glúteos 100ml

Valuación 4/5 (Numero de votos: 8)

ErbaVoglio Sodo - Gel Reafirmante de Glúteos 100ml.

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ErbaVoglio - Sodo Gel Reafirmante de Glúteos (100ml)

Innovative transparent gel, effective firming and toning treatment for the buttocks. Formulated with a synergy of active ingredients: Hops, Fennel, phytosomal (cell structure enhancer), plant Amino Acids (collagen aggregators), Phytodermina lift. Used daily, SODO firms and tones buttocks restoring shape and harmony to the figure.

Fennel: the protein content helps to reinforce the elastic fibers, giving them energy and tone.

Hops: contrasts sagging and has a lifting effect on skin tissue. Firms, moisturises and tones. Used to restore suppleness to tired, aging and wrinkled skin. Also used on stretch marks.

Milk thistle: is used in cosmetics as an anti-radical and as a cleanser for oily skin. Acts directly on the protein fibers restoring elasticity and strengthening the cellular structure.


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