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Fat Track Pro

Bewertung 4,40/5 (Anzahl der Stimmen: 10)
Kundenrezensionen: 4

ACCUFITNESS FAT TRACK PRO Body Fat Measurement System is a highly technological professional-grade skinfold caliper to be used by individuals, personal trainers, and other healthcare professionals to monitor body fat %.

Siehe Beschreibung

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Accufitness - Fat Track Pro - IAFSTORE.COM


Digital Body Fat Measurement System

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The FatTrack Pro Digital Body Fat Measurement System is a highly technological professional-grade skinfold caliper to be used by individuals, personal trainers, and other healthcare professionals to monitor body fat %. The unit is programmed with 3- and 7-site Jackson-Pollack formulas for estimating body fat % through skinfold measurements. Plus, you can use the caliper in a non-programmed mode to take skinfold measurements and use other formulas to measure body fat % if you prefer. The FatTrack Pro is unique because it also measures and calculates lean body mass. You can also store and program up to 50 user profiles, including the last 3 readings for each user. The user manual includes tips on taking appropriate caliper readings and graphics showing the specific locations to measure.


Each FatTrack Pro Digital Body Fat Measurement System Includes:


- FatTrack PRO Professional Digital Body Fat Caliper
- Carrying Case with Carabiner clip
- Composition Tracker Body Fat Tracking Software mini-CD
- CR2032 Battery



Accufitness - Fat Track Pro - IAFSTORE.COMAccufitness - Fat Track Pro - IAFSTORE.COM


Kundenrezensionen (4)

Bewertungen von Kunden, die das Produkt gekauft haben, sind mit "verifizierter Kauf" gekennzeichnet.
lo consigliate????…
von ID Benutzer 150718 am 16/09/2013
lo consigliate????
thanks you …
von ID Benutzer 92898 am 07/02/2012
thanks you
von ID Benutzer 92898 am 07/02/2012
PRO: facilità d'uso, software…
von ID Benutzer 1409 am 22/06/2009
PRO: facilità d'uso, software in dotazione, misurazioni accurate CONTRO: materiale
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