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Crampon C12 Universal

Bewertung 5/5 (Anzahl der Stimmen: 2)

CAMP Crampon C12 Universal Code:2501 Crampons for alpinisme, general mountaineering; Chromoly Steel, Weight : 954gr 12 points Shoes: 36-47

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Nicht verfügbar für diesen geographisches Gebiet : Deutschland  
Model: CAMP Crampon C12 Universal
Code: 2501

Crampons for alpinisme, general mountaineering
Universal binding version of the C12 with striking new colors that coordinate with the technical Alpina ice axe. Features innovative 3-D pressed construction (not just bent) to distribute pressure applied to one point across the platform to significantly increase the strength of the crampon. Thermoplastic heel and toe harnesses wrap around nearly any hiking or classic mountaineering boot and are secured by strong nylon straps and metal buckles. For telemark or A/T boots, use the C12 Automatic.
• Multiple adjustment points ensure a precise fit
• Slightly flared points reduce balling
• 3-D pressed frame maximizes strength and performance
• Universal bindings fit most mountaineering and hiking boots
• Tool-free size adjustment
Anti-balling plates included
• Striking new colors coordinate with the technical Alpina ice axe
Chromoly Steel
Weight : 954gr.
12 points
Shoes: 36-4
Universal Bindings are designed to fit on any boot or shoe using flexible plastic heel and toe harnesses and strap systems that will keep them attached even when used with flexible footwear. Universal Bindings are an excellent choice for mountaineering, but should not be used for technical alpine climbing or ski mountaineering where a more precise fit is recommended.

CAMP crampons (click to enlarge)

CAMP Ramponi


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