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Organic Dead Sea Mineral - Bath Salts 1000 gramm

Bewertung 5/5 (Anzahl der Stimmen: 3)

Dr. Organic Organic Dead Sea Mineral - Bath Salts 1000 grams. Dr. Organic 100% natural Dead Sea Bath Salts are formulated with a proprietary blend of organic bioactive marine extracts to maximise the beneficial health properties of the Dead Sea.

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Organic Dead Sea Minerals- Bath Salt (1 Kg)

Dr. Organic 100% natural Dead Sea Bath Salts are formulated with a proprietary blend of organic bioactive marine extracts to maximise the beneficial health properties of the Dead Sea. The waters of the Dead Sea are unique, having a total salt concentration that is 10 times higher than ocean water, reaching 30% as opposed to 3%. The composition of the saltwater is also unique, comprising of magnesium, potassium and calcium chlorides, in addition to a high concentration of bromides.

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