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Fango Vulcanico Aromatizzato Anticellulite Muschio Bianco 500g

Bewertung 4/5 (Anzahl der Stimmen: 4)

Fgm04 Fango Vulcanico Aromatizzato Anticellulite Muschio Bianco. Fgm04 Flavoured Muds allow to counteract in an intensive and focused way imperfections caused by localized fat and cellulite.

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Nicht verfügbar für diesen geographisches Gebiet : Deutschland  

FGM04 FLAVOURED MUDS, extremely rich in highly concentrated active ingredients, allow to counteract in an intensive and focused way imperfections caused by localized fat and cellulite. The presence of moisturizers and emollients ingredients allows to nourish the skin, leaving it supple and firm. In the production of our muds, we at FGM04, used only the highest quality peloids. The peloidoterapia combined with a wise, balanced and synergistic blend of active principles (as well as essential oils) directed to act on lipid metabolism , gives this cosmetic muds active "unique and indispensable" to superficial and deep imperfections which the product is aimed.
Easy application: the texture is soft and easily spread and it's not very thick and layered. This allows a greater ease of application in relation to other types of muds.
Exposure times very short: applications of 20 minutes (instead of 1 hour required for other types of muds) are sufficient to obtain an optimal and functional localized metabolic stimulus.
Balanced and cosmetic functional dose of moisturisers and anti-radical substances designed to help the prevention of aging and leave the skin soft and silky to the touch at the end of the treatment.
Exclusive action of important and innovative substances such as Theobromine and Theophylline who have specific and unique properties of deep contrast of imperfections caused by localized fat and cellulite.
The density and intensity of humectants contained in the formulation prevent the product from drying and to soil too muche and allow to rinse easily the treated area.
The presence of blueberry allows the use even to those who suffer from capillary fragility.
Active trace elements in high concentration that favor the remineralization and the cutaneous and epidermic hydro-saline balance (unlike other muds which, however, dry skin and require subsequent moisturizer treatment).
Balanced formulation that does not involve cosmetic actions that may act negatively overall thyroid activity.
The presence of a cartene sheet inside the box (machine-washable and therefore reusable) helps to make it even more convenient and faster treatment, unlike other sludge that require transparent film to allow substances to penetrate into the skin.

They are available in eight delicious flavors: pineapple, coffee, chocolate, mango, blueberry, white musk, green tea, neutral. This is to satisfy the different tastes and to make this product even more unique and innovative. Because the application of our mud becomes a real moment of relaxation to enjoy.
Method Of Use

The application of FGM04 MUDS is simple and can be safely performed in the privacy of your home:
Spread a suitable amount of product on the target area forming a uniform layer that completely covers the region to be treated.
Wrap the treated area with the cartene sheet (supplied).
Leave to act only 20 minutes.
After 20 minutes remove the cartene sheet and rinse thoroughly with running warm water massage in upward circular movements.

For an even more pronounced draining effect, when dry skin, apply ICEBERG SYSTEM gel on the treated area executing circular massage from the bottom up, until completely absorbed. For an even more pronounced reducing effect, when dry skin, apply LIPO STEP BLUEBERRY gel on the treated area executing circular massage until completely absorbed. For an even more pronounced toning effect, when dry skin, apply ICEBERG SYSTEM gel on the treated area executing circular massage from the bottom up, until completely absorbed.

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