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Karabiner SYM K9G Twin Gate

Bewertung 4,40/5 (Anzahl der Stimmen: 5)

Grivel Carabiner SYM K9G Twin Gate Code:RSKSG Carabiner with the new Grivel solution: Twin Gate, Two gates, twice the carabiner; oval shaped carabiner 28kN 68g

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Nicht verfügbar für diesen geographisches Gebiet : Deutschland  
Model: Grivel Carabiner SYM K9G Twin Gate
Code: RSKSG 

Carabiner with the new Grivel solution: Twin Gate
Two gates, twice the carabiner! Carabiners clip and unclip by accident unclipping can cause injury, death, and huge inconvenience; the only carabiner that successfully cures this, is the TWIN GATE.

Sigma K8G

Oval shaped carabiner, double straight gates-twin gate system.


Twin gate system

Size: 110 mm. x  58mm.

Open: 24 mm.

Force: 28 kN - 9 kN - 9 kN
Weight: 68gr.



Many times in its long history since 1818, Grivel has made carabiners. We introduce now a completely modern and ultra-light new line. Grivel carabiners are made from 7000-series aluminum. We know very well this alloy as we use it for ice axe shafts. It offers the best balance between weight, breaking strength and durability. Grivel carabiners are forged using the same technology that we use for our ice axes. Each carabiner is individually strength tested and has its individual test number laser carved on it.


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