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Shield GS

Bewertung 5/5 (Anzahl der Stimmen: 1)

Grivel Shield Code: HBSHIELD Grivel has developed the GS, composed of a semi hard half-shell to better distribute the forces, coupled inside with a special honey-comb material able to absorb most of the energy without transferring it on the spine, finally protected by recurring damages

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Nicht verfügbar für diesen geographisches Gebiet : Deutschland  
Model: Grivel Shield
Grivel has developed the GS, composed of a semi hard half-shell to better distribute the forces, coupled inside with a special honey-comb material able to absorb most of the energy without transferring it on the spine, finally protected by recurring damages.
The back of the climbers thanks!

Available as spare piece that fits all the new or used harnesses.

  • Absorbs most of the energy of a fall protecting the spine
  • Protects from shocks against hard surfaces
  • Adds comfort
  • Weight: 54g (1.9oz)


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