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Steigeisen G12 New-Classic

Bewertung 3/5 (Anzahl der Stimmen: 1)

Grivel Crampons G12 new-matic RA074A04 A classic 12-point crampon designed for general mountaineering, alpinism, mixed ice and rock climbing, and moderate waterfall routes. 900g.

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Nicht verfügbar für diesen geographisches Gebiet : Deutschland  
Model: Grivel Steigeisen Crampons G12 new-classic
Code: RA074A04


A classic 12-point crampon designed for general mountaineering, alpinism, mixed ice and rock climbing, and moderate waterfall routes.
The four points that are perpendicular to the crampon rails, prevent shearing in soft snow and improve security while descending (facing outward). The crampons are fully adjustable by hand, without tools and one size fits all. G12 is easily folded for transportation.
The G12 crampon is delivered with the Antibott included.
weight: 900g (1040g with antibott)

Size range 36-47

chromoly steel

antibott included

CE EN 893

Binding: New Classic

An evolution of the Classic binding. Both front and rear plastic harnesses are hinged from their respective retention posts and may be "opened" to facilitate attachment to the boot, then closed securely once the boot is inside. The single strap closure system is so simple we may not need to provide instructions; the New Classic is therefore ideal for rental programs and first time users. This system is simple and reliable, quick and easy, but it does take up a bit more space in the rucksack.


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