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Elixir Anti Aging - Hidrata Jaluronico Moisturizing Zarte Peeling Gel 30ml

Bewertung 5/5 (Anzahl der Stimmen: 1)

Helan Elixir Anti Aging - Hidrata Jaluronico Zarte Peeling Gel 30ml.

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Helan - Melagrana Del Bosforo - IAFSTORE.COMHelan
Elixir Anti Aging - Hidrata Jaluronico Delicate Exfoliating Gel
Valuable substances :
Hyaluronic Acid
Arginine PCA

The skin renews itself continuously , new cells are born from the deep layers , fresh and vital that migrate towards the outside gradually losing water and brilliance. With age this cycle slows down and dead skin cells that remain on the surface make it more dull and rough .

To help you more quickly renew the top layer has formulated this Helan Delicate Exfoliating Gel , particularly sweet ,

to remove impurities .
to remove dead skin cells and replace them with new ones.
to accelerate skin renewal and bring up a skin smoother , toned and radiant.

The specific formula with PCA carnitine, the gentle exfoliating par excellence, non-aggressive , non-irritating , it is also suitable for sensitive skin for a visible improvement in skin tone and smoothness .

The innovative inclusion in the formula Hyaluronic Acid , albeit in a product for cleansing , it creates a thin film, which hinders the invisible dehydration and is the most effective barrier against loss of moisture of the skin.
For a daily gentle exfoliation and moisturizing action that restores the appearance of youth.

Use at least twice a week , apply the product with a light massage on face and neck , avoiding eye area . Leave for a few minutes depending on your skin type . Rinse gently .

maximum tolerance



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