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Iodase Actisom 200ml

Bewertung 4,50/5 (Anzahl der Stimmen: 4)

Natural Project Iodase Actisom. Extra strenght unsightly stubborn CELLULITE cosmetic treatment

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Natural Project Iodase Actisom
Extra strenght unsightly stubborn CELLULITE treatment.
IODASE ACTISOM cream is treatment specifically for combating cellulite even in its advanced stages.
Thanks to the creation of new carriers, the functional ingredients are absorbed quickly into the epidermis to combat the blemish in a specific and targeted manner.
Actisom® al 10%. djuvant cosmetic treatment against the imperfections caused by deep cellulite..
A cream formulated using the technology of Actisom® carriers, microparticles that transport the active ingredients in Caffeine and Escin directly where the skin has the need to reduce the appearance of the imperfection of cellulite. Iodase Actisom is recommended in cases of imperfections resistant to traditional treatments.
After an application cycle, the skin will appear smoother and more uniform.
Caffeine, Fucus vesiculosus, Organic Iodine, Paullina cupana, Chondrus crispus. Drainage effect: Hedera helix, Ananas sativus, Centella asiatica, Escin.
Long-term firming effect
Firms and keeps the effect thanks to the nourishing and moisturizing properties of Actisom® molecular film.
  • NO PEG’S


Dermatologically and clinically tested.

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