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Ihr Warenkorb ist zur zeit Leer

Iodase Deep Impact F Concentrate 100ml

Bewertung 4,80/5 (Anzahl der Stimmen: 10)
Kundenrezensionen: 1

Natural Project Iodase Deep Impact F Concentrate. Remodelling slimming treatment for localised fatty deposits

Siehe Beschreibung

Nicht verfügbar für diesen geographisches Gebiet : Deutschland  
Thanks to research carried out in specialised laboratories, Natural Project achivies excellent results through continuous cosmetic innovation.
The outcome of in-depth study, Natural Project is the newest cosmetic application of a natural principle which the cosmetics surgery sector has known of for some time:

PHOSPHATIDYCOLINE is a naturally occuring molecule extracted from the plant Glycine max and has notable reducing properties.
The development of a specific cosmetic formulation to transmit this molecule more effectively allows a good level of unsightly skin due to localised fat accumulations and thus avoids invasive procedures.

Kundenrezensionen (1)

Bewertungen von Kunden, die das Produkt gekauft haben, sind mit "verifizierter Kauf" gekennzeichnet.
Questo prodotto è ottimo,…
von ID Benutzer 36406 am 22/01/2011Verifizierter Kauf
Questo prodotto è ottimo, si assorbe in un attimo, molto più velocemente dei prodotti in crema, e come quantità ne occorre anche un po' meno rispetto alla crema, quindi dura abbastanza anche se sono solo 100ml. Se funziona?abbinato a una buona attività fisica sì!!!!
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