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Gloves Legionarivs Farbe: Schwarz

Bewertung 4/5 (Anzahl der Stimmen: 2)

Leone Gloves Legionarivs GP096 MMA gloves, Built according to the specific needs and standards of MMA athletes and associations. Gloves made entirely of thick buffalo leather, extra rolled padding over the knuckles and back of fist for more optimal coverage

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Leone Gloves Legionarivs
MMA Gloves
Code: GP096

LEGIONARIVS glove is dedicated to our MMA champion Alessio Sakara. The winning design combines the tradition of the roman gladiators to the dynamism of todays fighters.
The double loop closure protects the wrist for an incredible performance. Open palm and anatomical design offers uninhibited and unrestricted use on offense with maximum freedom of movement. Built according to the specific needs and standards of MMA athletes and associations. Gloves made entirely of thick buffalo leather, extra rolled padding over the knuckles and back of fist for more optimal coverage.

Materials: Leather
Closure: Velcro
Sizes: S - M - L


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