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Ihr Warenkorb ist zur zeit Leer

Crazy Farbe: Grey/Rust

Bewertung 4,50/5 (Anzahl der Stimmen: 2)


Siehe Beschreibung

Nicht verfügbar für diesen geographisches Gebiet : Deutschland  
Gloves for fitness

These gloves are suitable for any sports activities (gym, skating, spining, rowing).
They are made of 100% polyester with the addition of sponge on the thumb (which serves to dry the sweat on his face).

The gloves are Crazy compounds from polyester and leather.

Cool gloves for everything that occurs to you. You get in-line in Skate Park, weight room, spinning or rowing simulator. You haven't had better gloves on hands yet I can guarantee you buddy...

The gloves are made from first-class Amara (made in Korea) enabling repeated washing in current washers and from 100% Polyester incl. comfortable terry towel on outside part of thumb.


  • The palm is made from double Amara ply equipped with comfortable stuffing and anatomic stitching. Newly shaped reinforcement layer is complemented with silicon printing preventing from lapse of dumbbell's pole or adaptor from the hand
  • The back part is made from Amara and 100% Polyester. On the outer side of forefinger and little finger that are mostly strained during training the Amara is interrupted and padded by fine Lycra that increases the flexibility and is preventing from Amara's deformation (Flex & Fit)
  • The part among the fingers is made from 100% Polyester.
  • Around the wrist a solid neoprene elastic strip is used that is ended by velcro (with protective cover of carpal-tunnel) for exact tightening the gloves both in the back part and in the wrist

Contents: 60% amara, 40% polyester

Product code: MFG-850

Available sizes: S / M / L / XL / XXL /

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