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Lean Definition - CLA 1000 90 softgels

Bewertung 5/5 (Anzahl der Stimmen: 1)

Maximuscle Lean Definition - CLA 1000 90 softgels.

Siehe Beschreibung

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Maximuscle Lean Definition - CLA 1000

CLA is a naturally occurring constituent of fat found in ruminant (cud chewing animals) milk, milk proteins and meats. It is one of two essential fatty acids (omega-6) required in the diet.


Is it for me?

CLA-1000 is a source of Omega-6 that supports individual’s lean definition goals.


Benefits of CLA-1000


CLA is sourced from safflower oil, each softgel contains cis C-9 & trans C-11 299mg and trans C-10 & cis C-12 299mg. CLA is a group of polyunsaturated fats, omega 6 essential fatty acids.


Vitamin E

Vitamin E has been added to help protect the sensitive nutrients in CLA-1000 against oxidative damage, preserving its purity and potency.


Product Combinations

Whatever your goal, CLA-1000 is a great supporting supplement to add in your daily routine. Use it alongside Promax or Cyclone and reap the benefits of a healthy balanced diet with this essential fatty acid.

Mean analysis
Per softgel
Per 6 softgels
cis C-9, trans C-11
trans C-10, cis C-12
*RDA: Razione giornaliera raccomandata

Recommended Usage: you can take 3-6 caps of CLA-1000® daily, according to your requirements.

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