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Progain Flapjack 1 Riegel von 90 Gramm

Bewertung 4,75/5 (Anzahl der Stimmen: 4)

Maximuscle Size & Strength - Progain Flapjack 1 Riegel von 90g.

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Maximuscle - Progain Flapjack - IAFSTORE.COM
Maximuscle Size & Strength - Progain Flapjack

Progain Flapjack's are an ideal healthy snack for hard-gainers and weight trainers needing extra calories to build muscle and size.


Is this for me?

A tasty and convenient snack alternative packed with all the nutrients you need to maintain that high protein and calorie intake whilst on-the-go.


Benefits of Progain

Each Flapjack bar contains 24g of a protein blend (milk and whey isolate) as a suitable alternative or in support of the Progain shake.



Each bar contains 41.9g of carbohydrate which is 30g of complex carbohydrate for a sustained release of calories, and only 7.5g of sugars.


Creatine Monohydrate

Contains 3.5g of creatine monohydrate (per serving) for increased muscle size and strength.


Product Combinations

For the weight gainers, meeting your daily protein requirement is essential. Add Promax to your diet, key supplement times where protein is generally low in an individual's diet is breakfast and after exercise. To maximise your workout add Maxipower for a mental and physical boost.

Mean analysis (Chocolate) Per dose (90g)
Energy value 324Kcal
Protein 23.9g
of which sugars
of which saturates
Fibre 2.3g
Creatine Monohydrate 3.5g
Bacillus Coagulans Probiotic Cultures 122 Million

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and Ministry of Health. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These informations are issued by the Manufacturer.

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