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Ihr Warenkorb ist zur zeit Leer

Spatha Farbe: Gelb

Bewertung 3/5 (Anzahl der Stimmen: 1)

Petzl Spatha S92AY Multi-purpose knife. Easily clips onto the harness with a carabiner

Siehe Beschreibung

Nicht verfügbar für diesen geographisches Gebiet : Deutschland  
Model: Petzl Spatha
Code:  S92AY

Knife with carabiner hole

The SPATHA clippable knife is designed to accompany the climber on every outing. The profile of the blade allows easy cutting of ropes and cordage. It has a hole for a carabiner to attach it to the harness. It is easy to manipulate with its textured wheel, even when wearing gloves, and can be locked in the open position.

Smooth/serrated combo blade easily cuts ropes and cordageHole for attaching the knife to the harness with a CARITOOL tool holder or a carabiner

Notch in the blade for opening the knife with bare hands

Textured wheel for opening the blade when wearing glovesMechanism for locking the blade in the open position

Stainless steel blade for improved durability


• Material(s): stainless steel, nylon
• Dimensions: 11.5 cm closed, 17.5 cm open


Reference(s) S92AY
Color(s) yellow
Weight 43 g


Reference(s) S92AB
Color(s) blue
Weight 43 g

Made in FR
Guarantee 3 years



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