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SmartShake Signature Jay Cutler Edition Fassungsvermögen: 600+200ml

Bewertung 4,86/5 (Anzahl der Stimmen: 7)

Smartshake SmartShake Jay Cutler Edition Fassungsvermögen: 600+200ml, This is a custom designed shaker, developed for and together with the 4 x Mr Olympia Jay Cutler.

Siehe Beschreibung

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This is a custom designed shaker, developed for and together with the 4 x Mr Olympia Jay Cutler.

”SmartShake is one of the best innovations I have seen in the bodybuilding industry. It is perfect to bring to work and on trips. As an athlete I constantly need protein, and just by bringing my SmartShake along I get three high quality servings of protein a day.”

Jay Cutler (b 1973) started working in his brother’s concrete construction business at the age of 11, laying the foundation of his future physique and career. Initially, Jay started to train just to look better, but this ambition soon led to competitions in bodybuilding, starting at the age of 19. He is an IFBB professional bodybuilder and won his first “O” – the Mr Olympia title – in 2006. He’s won it four times since then.

Smartshake - Smartshake Jay Cutler Edition - IAFSTORE.COM

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