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SmartShake Signature Ronnie Coleman Edition Fassungsvermögen: 600+200ml

Bewertung 3,91/5 (Anzahl der Stimmen: 11)

Smartshake SmartShake Ronnie Coleman Edition Capacity: 600+200ml, This is a custom designed shaker, developed for and together with the 8 x Mr Olympia Ronnie Coleman.

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This is a custom designed shaker, developed for and together with the 8 x Mr Olympia Ronnie Coleman.

Coleman started his fitness journey during his career as a police officer. Being a police officer he had a flexible schedule that would allow him to work out regularly to stay fit and active. His fellow officers suggested he attend a gym known as Metroflex. The owner of the gym happened to also be an amateur bodybuilder.  He offered Coleman a free lifetime membership to Metroflex if he would allow him to train Coleman for the upcoming Mr. Texas bodybuilding competition that year. Coleman went on to win first place in both the heavy weight and overall categories for the Mr. Texas bodybuilding competition.  After that he didn't stop competing and winning bodybuilding competitions and now holds the record for most wins as an IFBB professional with 26 wins.

Smartshake - Smartshake Ronnie Coleman Edition - IAFSTORE.COM

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