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Aku Petra 980-036 Hiking trekking boots, for desert hiking.

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Aku - Rock Lite Gtx - IAFSTORE.COM

Petra 980-036
Colección Otoño/Invierno 2012/2013.

Código artículo: 980-036
Special model for desert hiking. Multiterrain To enjoy light hiking, bouldering and multi-activity mountain sports you need footwear that is flexible and has sure footed stability. Our multiterrain line, comprises a range of models offering supportive light weight, and construction methods.

-Upper suede/AIR8000® 1.6 mm
-Lining Description Sanifit
-Outsole Vibram® Mehra
-Midsole rubber cupsole
-Lasting Board (STIFFNESS) 4-2 mm nylon (Flexible)
-Footbad Custom Fit 152
-Weight (GRAMS) 500


AKU has for most of its shoes the exclusive outsoles designed together with Vibram®, for both the specific design and shape of the outsole as well as for the composition of the rubber which it is made with, thought for the specific needs and the different use of the shoes.
AIR 8000During any kind of sport activity, the body removes the excess heat through perspiration. This happens also to the foot, particularly among the toes and through the sole. It is therefore very important for the comfort of the foot to remove this perspiration from the foot itself and drain it in some way outside. AKU , to attain this goal, has created AKU AIR 8000®. This is a fabric used in the construction of the uppers. This material is protected by an international patent and it has been specifically designed to guarantee perfect breathability. A high, breathable performance level is very important for the health of the foot. If a foot is well aerated, it is not attacked by micosis, skin infiammation and painful blisters. It is demonstrated by accurate laboratory tests that, over a period of 2 hours, AKU AIR 8000® transpires 8021 grams of vapour, while in other traditional fabrics, the transpiration is of 700 grams only in the same time (2 hours). This means that AKU AIR 8000® transpires 11,5 times more than traditional fabrics. AKU is the only brand with this advantage. AKU has perfected the technique of allowing the upper of the boot to breathe while still supporting the foot.


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