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Solaire - Half Times 1 kit de 2 productos

Valuación 4,57/5 (Numero de votos: 7)

Arval Half Times 8001.A synergistic system of 2 specialties (to be applied before and after exposure), which combines a calibrated screen of harmful UV with the ability to tan perfectly with very few exposures.

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Arval - Solaire - Half Times - IAFSTORE.COM

A synergistic system of 2 specialties (to be applied before and after exposure), which combines a calibrated screen of harmful UV with the ability to tan perfectly with very few exposures. It's perfect to quickly reach an amber color, and to intensify and consolidate a luminous and intense on tanned skin. Available in convenient single-serve:

• Rapid Tanning SPF 8 (for use in the sun): Fluid-based super-concentrated extracts of plant bio-stimulators of pigmentation, accelerates the natural processes of tanning. Oils rich in nutrients and dermoprotettivi, defends the skin from dehydration caused by sun, wind, salt, chlorine and UV radiation damage by removing signs of dryness and premature photoaging.

• Quick Fixing (for use after the sun): rich and creamy balm, tanning sets captured during sunbathing, helps to rebalance the skin and prepares it to a new exhibition.

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