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Almohadillas de Recambio para el Casco Rockstar

Valuación 4/5 (Numero de votos: 1)

Camp Almohadillas de Recambio para el Casco Rockstar

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Modelo: CAMP Casco Rockstar Replacement Cradles
Còdigo: 0110
Kit de repuesto para Rock Star y High Star.
Rock Star Replacement Cradles
The suspension cradles get a lot of abuse from students making their own adjustments. They also get stinky over time. Fortunately, they are easily and inexpensively replaced. The lifespan of the Rock Star helmet is 10 years, but of course this depends heavily on use and care. The replacement cradles do not revitalize the safety functions of the helmet, but they are a great way to cut the funk or to replace the sizing system which can loosen with frequent adjustments over time. Inspect the styrofoam in the top of the helmet (no missing chunks or compressed cells) and the outer shell (no dents, punctures, or significant wear) to ensure the integrity of the helmet’s safety functions.


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