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Casco Pulse Winter Set

Valuación 4/5 (Numero de votos: 1)

CAMP Winter Set for Helmet Pulse Code:1639 Ear covers and vent plugs convert the Pulse helmet from a climbing and mountaineering certified helmet to a full-on ski certified helmet

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Modelo: CAMP Casco Pulse
Còdigo: 1639
Ear covers and vent plugs convert the Pulse helmet from a climbing and mountaineering certified helmet to a full-on ski certified helmet. The earflaps are comfortable and have openings to allow excellent hearing.
Sold separately from the Pulse helmet (1582).
• Earflaps are one size fits all
• Includes separate plugs for both size 1 and 2 helmets


C.A.M.P., an indisputable leader worldwide, it has always been at the top of this market sector thanks to the attractive and comfortable helmets it has developed, the perfect compromise between comfort and protection. Innovation goes on, from the legendary second generation helmets up to the new best seller, the Armour, and the lightweight Speed. Summer, winter, lightweight, ultra resistant, for men, women, children, for everyone or just for experts: the complete CAMP line offers the right product to almost everyone whatever their skill level.


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