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Cinta Photon Express KS 11cm

Valuación 4,80/5 (Numero de votos: 5)

CAMP Cinta EXPRESS PHOTON 11CM COD.2310 Cinta multipropósito para escalada y alpinismo 11cm. 21kN. 89g.

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No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  
Mòdelo: Camp Cinta Exprés Photon Express KS 11cm
codigo: 2310
Cinta multipropósito para escalada y alpinismo. Cinta de nylon 11cm.

Versatile climbing and mountaineering quickdraws. Nylon straps.
Carabiners Photon 36g. 21kN.
of strap (sling): 11cm.
Total Weight: 89gr.
All carabiners are tested individually.
With KS Karstop Evo.

The ultimate quickdraw for overhanging sport routes.

Equipped with a straight gate biner for bolts and a bent gate for the rope end 16 mm nylon dogbones in 11cm lengths.

Ready for the onsight. The nylon dogbones are stiff enough to keep the biners from twisting and the lightweight keylocking Photon carabiners are optimized for smooth clipping and easy cleaning. Best of all, the whole rig weighs less than 3 ounces!

The carabiners are always one of the flagships of CAMP and a category on which the innovation has been significant: since the introduction of aeronautical alloys, the development of a range absolutely complete, up to record light, practical added value for all those who worked out the vertical. Even this year C.A.M.P. sets the pace with the introduction of the Photon, a project that originated with the Nano Wire in 2005 that still today, with the evolution of the Nano 23 is with its 23 grams of weight "never seen before."
The objective of the Photon was to remain under the threshold of 30 g without sacrificing anything on the scale: in the version with 29 g wire and 9 kN open gate, the Photon is the top category as regards the climbing , while the smallest and lightest Nano 23 remains the best option for traditional activities and mountaineering. With a few more grams Photon is presented also in Beth Lock, and with the release ring completes a family that is destined to become an absolute reference point for the international market.

Camp Cinta mosquetones

CAMP Quickdraw: 5 Oorbit Express 11CM Anodized


camp Mosquetones carabiners


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camp mosquetones carabiners

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