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Descensores YO-YO

Valuación 2/5 (Numero de votos: 2)

CAMP Descensores YO-YO 1046 Belay device for climbing. Massive amounts of friction to securely lock the leader's rope in case of a fall. 108g. 22kN.

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No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  
Modelo: CAMP Descensores YO-YO
Còdigo: 1046

Belay device for climbing.
- Massive amounts of friction tosecurely lock the leader's rope in case of a fall.
- Compatible with an HMS screwgate carabiner, for dynamic single ropes from 10 mm to 11 mm.
- Weight: 108 gr.
- 22KN

The varied market of Up & Down devices is always changing according to the narrowing diameters of ropes and to the increasing number of adventure parks where a number of people, who are often not climbing experts, enjoy the experience of walking on Tibetan bridges and descending with pulleys. In both of these environments, the products most recently manufactured by C.A.M.P. have already become best sellers. The CASSIN Più 2 belay device, with its simple design, proved to be easy to use, helpful and efficacious. On the other hand, the innovative Wing pulley, which has been especially designed for Adventure Parks, won the "OutDoor Industry Award" and improved the safety levels and standards by integrating the pulley and carabiner in the same item.


CAMP Discensore Assicurante

CAMP Discensore Assicurante

CAMP Discensore Assicurante

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