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Kit Ferrata Vortex + Casco Rock Star + Arnès Topaz

Valuación 4,50/5 (Numero de votos: 4)

CAMP Kit Ferrata Vortex + Helmet Rock Star + Harness Topaz COD.1687 C.A.M.P. set ferrata, for mountaineering, vie ferrate; set vortex with energy absorber, helmet rock star, harness Topaz with fast adjust buckles.

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No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  
Modelo: CAMP Kit Ferrata Vortex + Casco Rock Star + Arnès Topaz
Còdigo: 1687

Kit for via ferrata, includes:
- Set Ferrata Vortex (cod.1013)
- Helmet Rock Star (cod.202)
- Harness Topaz (cod.1577)

Set Ferrata Vortex

Laceration energy absorber, protected by a bag for easy inspection. Compact and lightweight.

Weight: 422gr
Carabiners: Nomad

Helmet Rock Star
For mountaineering and climbing. Injection moulded polyethylene helmet for groups. Nylon inner structure without using rivets and with the addition of a headlamp holder.

Weight: 390gr

Harness Topaz

One-size-fits-all padded harness with single tie-in point and fast adjust buckles that eliminate the need to double back. The perfect harness for beginners, groups and guiding.
Weight: 383 gr.

Via Ferrata are often considered the introduction to any vertical activity, so those who use them have a variety of requirements. The Via Ferrata public is varied, that's why CAMP's line offers a wide range of products which have the same goal: usability and userfriendliness, lightweight and safety features which are superior to the required minimum safety measures. Even for these products, innovation is fundamental: from to the Rewind system which was successfully introduced a few years ago to the Matrix line which has introduced new design standards, and to the brand new set Gyro, the ultimate innovation which, thanks to a small "jewel" made of the most refined aluminium alloy, offers a clear and definite solution to the usual rope's twisting, allowing the users to focus only on their climb.

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