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Sling Stop KS Dyneema 15cm

Valuación 4/5 (Numero de votos: 1)

CAMP Sling Stop KS Dyneema Code:2213 Sling for climbing, in dyneema 11mm with Karstop; 15cm 22kN

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No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  
Model: CAMP Sling Stop KS Dyneema
Code: 2213

Sling for climbing, with Karstop fixed

Lightweight 11 mm Dyneema® dogbones with the new patented Karstop Evo carabiner retainer that prevents the rope-end carabiner from shifting. The bolt-end opening remains looser to help the draw situate in line with the rope path. Dyneema® is a great choice for wet conditions and for trimming bulk and weight from alpine racks.
Length: 15cm
Strength: 22kN
The karstop is an essential accessory when the carabiner is put in a tape lanyard or in a rope, because it makes impossible to loose the carabiner and makes it always work in the mayor axis direction.

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