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Piolet X-Alp martillo Color: Gris / Negro

Valuación 3/5 (Numero de votos: 1)

Cassin X-Alp Hammer 3004. Piolet para alpinismo en nieve, hielo y roca. Mango curvo para mejorar la colocación. Empuñadura recta para una mejor penetración del mango en la nieve dura. Dragonera de serie.

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No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  
Modelo: Cassin piolet X-Alp martillo
Codigo: 3004

Piolet para alpinismo en nieve, hielo y roca.

Mango curvo para mejorar la colocación. Empuñadura recta para una mejor penetración del mango en la nieve dura. Dragonera de serie.

Alpine ice axe, a great choice for all-round use. A less curved shaft for effective use in a variety of conditions. Leashes are included.


When we talk about axes, our thoughts go back to the early days of the 20th century, when the first products intended for Italian alpine troops were produced in C.A.M.P.'s forge shop. Or let's think about Antonio Codega, the son of the founder, who used to catch the train to Milan in order to personally deliver the products ordered by the first sport stores. A long time has passed and many changes have taken place, but the innovative spirit and the attention to the development of products are still the same.
That's why, after more than a century, some products, such as the Corsa Nanotech axe, are not only part of the equipment of the most enthusiastic alpinists. Because of their unique features they cross the boundaries of the outdoor market, reaching the exhibition spaces of some Museums of Technology or being mentioned by some of the most influential mass media, such as the New York Times. Under our CAMP and CASSIN brands we are offering a wide range of products for every kind of outdoor activity, which satisfy the needs and requirements of ever more demanding and variegated customers.

Ice Axes

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