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Su carrito está vacío

ProtoGriss 4 paquetes de 50 gramos

Valuación 4,33/5 (Numero de votos: 6)

CIAOCARB Protogriss, 1 x 4 paquetes

Consulte la descripción

El producto ya no está disponible
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Analisi media
                Amount 100g
925 Kj / 221 Kcal
 20,70 g
There of Sugar
10,70 g
1,80 g
There of Saturated Acids
10,60 g
1,80 g
3,60 g
4,60 g
 Fibre 46,00 g
Sodium 0,20 g

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2.000 calorie diet. Your Daily Values may be higher or lower, depending on your calorie needs.

** Daily Value not established.

Other ingredients: Of Soy Protein Isolate, Wheat Gluten, Milk Protein, Vegetable Fiber Wheat and Rice, Vegetable Fat, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, raising agent: Beer Yeast, Salt

** no warranty of any kind (express or implied) the accuracy, completeness and reliability of the information services and general content of the site. The product descriptions and images of the same variety are purely indicative, may contain inadvertent errors.

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