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Active Protection Tanning Face Cream 50ml

Valuación 4,50/5 (Numero de votos: 2)

Collistar Active Protection Tanning Face Cream 50+ 50ml. Specifically formulated to guarantee optimal treatment and protection for the fragile skin of the face, this cream is enriched with carnosina.

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No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  
Hyper-sensitive skins

Specifically formulated to guarantee optimal treatment and protection for the fragile skin of the face
, this cream is enriched with Carnosina, a substance with highly effective anti-age properties, which protects the cell DNA from damage caused by photo-exposure while, at the same time, preventing the degradation of collagen and the other dermal proteins responsible for the elasticity, compactness and firmness of the skin. Moreover, thanks to the addition of an active ingredient extracted from the satsuma mandarin (citrus unshiu), it controls localised irregular pigmentation, thus preventing the formation of brown spots. Soft and velvety, the cream is instantly absorbed, leaving the face extraordinarily smooth, and day after day it guarantees a glowing tan, while preserving and reinforcing the youthfulness of the skin. Besides the face it is also recommended for the areas most susceptible to ageing (neck, bust, décolleté and hands).

Super-safe sun filters

100% Photostable and thermostable
biologically safe
Fully photo-protective

Super-cell protection with Lutein
Contrast the inflammatory effects of UVB rays
Protects the integrity of the skin cells

Super skin tolerability
Does not contain: perfumes, colouring, parabens, soaps, alcohol, known allergens and nickel-controlled (<0.0001%)


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