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Perfection Serum 50ml

Valuación 4/5 (Numero de votos: 2)

Collistar Perfection Serum 50ml. This prodigious Serum is a true 'youth starter' for the skin.

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No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  
Restores Replenishes Recompacts

This prodigious Serum is a true 'youth starter' for the skin. Perfect by itself, it is also ideal combined with your usual daily treatment cream for a synergy of unprecedented results. Fruit of extensive research and the most recent scientific findings on the physiology, life and ageing process of the skin, this Serum owes its effectiveness to the revolutionar y GeneComplex®, which works right in the 'heart' of the skin cell.

The youth genesis of the skin
Based on an innovative biotechnology, GeneComplex® is able to relaunch the activity of the fibroblast genes, which are actual genes of youth for the skin, since they are responsible for the formation of dermal proteins. In particular, it protects the factors of growth of the fibroblasts, which deteriorate with age, and stimulates them to work harder.


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