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Sensitive Skins After-Shave+Daily Protective Supermoisturizer 100ml+30ml

Valuación 4/5 (Numero de votos: 1)

Collistar Sensitive Skins After-Shave+Daily Protective Supermoisturizer 100ml+30ml. Ultra-gentle and alcohol-free, this after-shave has been formulated to guarantee maximum comfort for sensitive skin, which is more easily irritated during shaving. Daily Protective Supermoisturizer for a perfect moisturization all day long in all climatic and environmental conditions.

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No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  

Sensitive Skins After-Shave Anti-redness*
Ultra-gentle and alcohol-free, this after-shave has been formulated to guarantee maximum comfort for sensitive skin, which is more easily irritated during shaving. Extremely soothing and protective, it neutralizes the aggressive effect of the razor and gives immediate relief to the skin, preventing and calming redness and annoying razor-burns. Its formula contains vitamins and hyaluronic acid to moisturize, protect and revitalize the face, keeping it fresh and soft all through the day. Used regularly, it helps to reduce the skin's sensitivity to shaving.

Contains: hyaluronic acid, allantoin, bisabolol, vitamins A, B6 and E.

*For redness caused by external agents.

Daily Protective Supermoisturizer travel size
This cream guarantees perfect hydration in any climatic and atmospheric conditions, thanks to the addition of hyaluronic acid and vitamins A, B6, C and E. Light, non-greasy and instantly absorbed, it leaves the skin soft, elastic and radiant. Ideal both in the morning and in the evening, it may also be used as an after-shave.

PESO NETO: 100ml+30ml

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