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Siero Lifting Ultra-Rigenerante

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Collistar Suero Lifting Superregenerante. Impalpable and ultra-absorbent, this prodigious serum is a true concentration of youth and vitality which carries out a dual action.

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No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  
Impalpable and ultra-absorbent, this prodigious serum is a true concentration of youth and vitality which carries out a dual action:
• Immediate lifting effect - Thanks to the addition of a special yeast extract, as soon as the serum is applied it has an instant tensor effect that smoothes out the features, minimising signs of slackening and small wrinkles and making the contours of the face firmer and more compact.
• Cell regenerating and firming - A highly concentrated mix of exceptional energising and anti-age active principles supplies the cells with all the factors necessary to enable them to ‘self-regenerate' and quickly regain the dynamism and vitality of young skin. From the very first applications the face regains tone and firmness and becomes brighter and more vital. Day after day, the regenerating action is intensified: the skin is increasingly firmer and more toned, the oval more compact, wrinkles are diminished and the whole face appear renewed.


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