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Toning Shower Gel 250ml

Valuación 4,33/5 (Numero de votos: 3)

Collistar Toning Shower Gel 250ml. Much more than just a shower gel, this specialty contains vitamins, protein and plant extracts to tone the body and make the skin supple.

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No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  

Much more than just a shower gel, this specialty contains vitamins, protein and plant extracts to tone the body and make the skin supple. It is the ideal solution for men who seek a product that is reinvigorating and refreshing while treating the skin. The formula contains panthenol and ultra-delicate dermo-purifying substances, as well as valuable protein extracted from wheat germ, known for its moisturizing, nourishing and toning properties. The addition of linden extract, rich in softening and relaxing virtues, gives an immediate sensation of well-being. Rubbed on the body while showering, the gel is transformed into a soft foam and performs an intense toning action which instantly relieves fatigue and muscular tension.
How to use Massage on to the skin under the shower
PESO NETO: 250ml

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