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Firme - Gel Reafirmante de Pecho 100ml

Valuación 5/5 (Numero de votos: 3)

ErbaVoglio Sodo - Breast Firming Gel 100ml. ì

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ErbaVoglio - Sodo Breast Firming Gel (100ml)

Sodo breast gel does not contain any artificial or synthetic ingredient and is rich with active natural substances: Equisetum (remineraliser), Lily(bioactivator), Muira Puama(supports the epidermal structure), Phytodermina lifting(firms), Phytodermina C (firms and smoothes the skin). Massage a small quantity of gel onto the breasts daily for renewed tone. Equisetum: a plant with antique origins with powerful mineralising properties. It helps increase the elasticity of the tissues. Lily: modern herbal science recognises this plant for its bio-activating properties on firm skin that is relaxed and has lost tone. Muira Puama: an exotic plant that is of utmost importance in the cosmetic field. In fact each of its components help firm and support the epidermis restoring elasticity.

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