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Dmae Crema Anti Age 50ml

Valuación 4/5 (Numero de votos: 3)

Fgm04 Crema Anti Age. The anti-aging cream helps to smooth wrinkles and skin folds thanks to the important presence of DMAE, giving firmness and radiance to the face.

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No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  
The anti-aging cream helps to smooth wrinkles and skin folds thanks to the important presence of DMAE, giving firmness and radiance to the face. In order to delay significantly the appearance of the signs of aging, the formulation has been enriched with nutrient and protective ingredients. The maximum efficiency was achieved by opting for the most active part of these substances, such as isolated Vitamin C, water-soluble Vitamin F, Hyaluronic Acid, Coenzyme Q10 and other 12 active principles. It is rich solar filters that create a protective shield from the aggression of UV rays that are the major contributor to skin aging. This anti-aging cream provides a synergistic preventive action.

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