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External Power Pack Para Forerunner / Edge / Dakota / GPSMap62x / Montana / Oregon / eTrex

Valuación 3/5 (Numero de votos: 1)

Garmin External power pack with solar panel for Forerunner / Edge / Dakota / GPSMap62x / Montana / Oregon / eTrex 010-10644-02 Stay off the beaten track for longer with the Garmin external power pack by powermonkey-eXplorer. Designed specifically for Garmin's range of fitness and outdoor products,

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Modelo:Garmin External Power Pack Para Forerunner / Edge / Dakota  / GPSMap62x / Montana / Oregon

Stay off the beaten track for longer with the Garmin external power pack by powermonkey-eXplorer. Designed specifically for Garmin's range of fitness and outdoor products, this water-resistant power pack houses a 2200mAh lithium-ion battery capable of recharging 5 V devices while remaining robust, compact and lightweight enough for space and weight-conscious outdoor enthusiasts.

Suitable for even the most demanding riders, the external power pack provides real power when you need it most - the added 20 hours of extra ride time on the Edge® 800 makes the combination ideal for everything from week-long touring holidays to 24 hour marathon racers.

Users can recharge the pack 3 ways via: the included folding solar panel which allows the external power pack to be recharged to one third in 5 hours and fully within 15 hours; the universal mains charger compatible in more than 150 countries; and USB in under 7 hours.

Compatible Garmin:

Approach G3

Approach G5

Approach S3

Dakota 10

Dakota 20

Edge 200

Edge 500

Edge 800


Forerunner 110

Forerunner 205

Forerunner 210

Forerunner 305

Forerunner 310XT

Forerunner 405

Forerunner 405CX

Forerunner 410

Forerunner 610

Forerunner 910XT




Oregon 450

Oregon 450t

Oregon 550

Oregon 550t




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