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Monitor de frecuencia cardiaca HRM-Run

Valuación 5/5 (Numero de votos: 1)

Garmin Heart rate monitor HRM-Run 010-10997-08 Pair your compatible Forerunner 620 with the HRM-Run to get not only heart rate information but also real-time feedback about your running form.

Consulte la descripción

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Model: Garmin Heart rate monitor HRM-Run
Code: 010-10997-08


Pair your compatible Forerunner® 620 with the HRM-Run to get not only heart rate information but also real-time feedback about your running form.

HRM-Run has an accelerometer in the module that measures torso movement in order to calculate 3 different running metrics:

Cadence — the number of steps per minute. It displays the total steps (right and left combined)Vertical oscillation — the bounce in your running motion. It displays the vertical motion of your torso, measured in centimetersGround contact time — the amount of time in each step that you spend on the ground while running. It is measured in milliseconds

HRM-Run is compatible with several fitness products and can display heart rate data when paired. Running dynamics features are available only on the Forerunner 620.

Compatible with Garmin:


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