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Arnés Ares

Valuación 4,50/5 (Numero de votos: 4)

Grivel Arnés Ares Code:HAARES New an special design allows a fantastic freedom for the legs, with no compression points in the front part; 4 buckles, webcore technology, 300g

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No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  
Model: Grivel Harness Ares
New an special design allows a fantastic freedom for the legs, with no compression points in the front part. Fully adjustable with 4 buckles. It benefits from the latest Web-Core technology. A simple and intuitive model.

Weight: 300 grams

Number of buckles: 4

Gear loops: 4

CE Certified


Size 1 : waist 64-84cm

Size 2 : waist 76-106cm


Grivel Web-Core technology
Grivel uses now for its harnesses the Web-Core manufacturig process. A broad, yet thin and light piece of webbing which is laser cut to match he harness'shape and is laminated - at high temperatures - to both the interior and exterior of the harness. This webbing, which is the same size as the comfort patrts, assures optimal pressure distribution without any compression zones where the body is in contact with the harness. there are numerous benefits to this innovation: it allows for thinner, compact and lighter weight harnesses whilst increasing comfort.

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