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Cinta Beta Light Short 11cm

Valuación 4,50/5 (Numero de votos: 2)

Grivel Quickdraw Beta Light Short 11cm Quickdraw for mountaineering, climbing, with Plume carabiners and Grivel dyneema sling 11cm, total weight: 65g.

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No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  
Model: Grivel Quickdraw Beta Light Short 11cm

Quickdraw for mountaineering, climbing.

K3S PLUME straight on top , K3W PLUME wire on bottom
Grivel dyneema Sling 11cm
Total weight: 65g.
K3W Plume: 28g/30g 22kN / 7kN / 7kN

All our slings and quickdraws are made of Dyneema. We sew them in Italy, using new hi-tech programmable bar-tacking machines. We can therefore guarantee the quality of the job and reduce the risk of human error. We use Dyneema as a logical consequence of the attention we give to the minimum weight of our carabiners: a super light carabiner requires a super light sling!


Grivel Carabiners (click to enlarge)

Grivel Carabiners

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