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Cinta Plume Easy 13cm

Valuación 3/5 (Numero de votos: 1)

Grivel Quickdraw Plume Easy 13cm Quickdraw for mountaineering, climbing. Grivel dyneema Sling 13cm. Total weight: 78g. With dogbone cover 3F Quick easy Draw.

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No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  
Model: Grivel Quickdraw Plume Easy 13cm

Quickdraw for mountaineering, climbing

K3W PLUME on top, K3W PLUME on bottom
Grivel dyneema Sling 13cm with dogbone cover 3F Quick easy Draw
Total weight: 78g.
K3W Plume: 28g. 22kN / 7kN / 7kN


Grivel’s goal is to make the life easier for climbers, alpinists, walkers, runners, this is what we do and have done for nearly 200 years. The new, easy, dogbone cover from Grivel, with three functions: protection, ergonomics, customization. Easy to grab and confortable to handle. 3F assists rapid clipping giving the correct rigidity to the quick. Plenty of colours to distinguish your own draws, or different sizes, or different models The 3F protects the dogbone from abrasion on rock, The 3F leaves the seams visible for inspection Dyneema has the highest impact strength of any thermoplastic presently made. It has extremely low moisture absorbtion, has a very low coefficient of friction, is self-lubricating, and is highly resistant to abrasion (15 times more resistant to abrasion than carbon steel) Easy touch is a new, perfect surface finishing to improve the grip, making it more confortable to handle.

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