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Dragonne Tech Leash

Valuación 4,50/5 (Numero de votos: 2)

Grivel Dragonne Tech Leash PJTECHL Perfect for all of Grivel’s ice axes, from classical models to the most technical, from Nepal to Monster and the brand new Matrix.

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No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  
Modelo: Grivel Dragonne Tech Leash

Perfect for all of Grivel’s ice axes, from classical models to the most technical, from Nepal to Monster and the brand new Matrix.
The part with the ring is attached to the ice axe’s head and the easy toggle system lets you hook up and release with just one simple hand movement. A natural rubber sling gives comfortable support to the wrist and the climber’s weight. Wrist sizes and length are easily adjustable with just one strap.

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