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Ice Piton 360

Valuación 5/5 (Numero de votos: 2)

Grivel Ice Piton/Screw 360 IS251 The new 360 screw can benefit all ice climbers. In situations where safety depends on speedy screw placement (crevasse rescue or steep ice) the 360’s sharp bite and easy starting are quite reassuring.

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No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  
Model: Grivel Ice Piton/Screw 360
Code: IS251


The new 360° screw can benefit all ice climbers. In situations where safety depends on speedy screw placement (crevasse rescue or steep ice) the 360’s sharp bite and easy starting are quite reassuring. When ice or rock obstructions prevent a normal fixed hanger’s rotation, the 360’s handle may be lifted away from the surface and turned freely. The 360’s super-slick finish makes it very difficult for ice to clog its core. The 360’s efficiency makes it possible to place an ice screw where and when you want to, not just where and when you are able to.

Size S: 120mm 156g

Size M: 160mm 179g

Size L:  200mm 203g



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