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Piolet G Zero

Valuación 4,50/5 (Numero de votos: 2)

Grivel Axe G Zero Code:PIG0 G-Zero is a very light ice axe for classical alpinism that still has all the characteristics of a Grivel ice axe, one piece head that provides maximum strength and minimal weight

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No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  
Model: Grivel Axe G Zero
Code: PIG0
G-Zero is a very light ice axe for classical alpinism that still has all the characteristics of a Grivel ice axe, one piece head that provides maximum strength and minimal weight. The pick is Classical neutral with ergonomic design that remains comfortable after hours and hours of climbing. The brand new insulating removable ergonomic blade cover, lets the user firmly grip the axe by the head without risk of injury, it also protects the hand from contact with cold metal especially in low temperatures and high altitudes expeditions. The perfect tool to discover the mountains with added safety and comfort.

Carbon Steel
Blade: Classical negative
CE Shaft Resistance kg280 (B)
CE EN 13089 - Type B

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