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Piolet Quantum Light Shovel

Valuación 4/5 (Numero de votos: 2)

Grivel Axe Quantum Light Shovel Code:PIQUAL.S The ultimate axe for technical climbers with aerospace grade composite. Hot forged head in chromolly steel, Carbon Composite shaft, 50cm. 498g.

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No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  
Modelo: Grivel Piolet Quantum Light Shovel
Codigo: PIQUAL.S
The ultimate axe for alpinist with aerospace grade composite. Hot forged head in Chromolly Steel: no compromise over quality because forging internal microstructure can be oriented to improve strength, and internal defects or porosity are minimized. Available with shovel or hammer. Carbon Composite shaft: no compromise over quality because composite materials means that the parts, of the final product, subject to major pressure that require more strength and rigidity can be designed specifically to enhance these characteristics. This vital aspect is made possible by the type of reinforcement, the orientation of the fibres, and the light alloy matrix all transfering the stress loads to the external Carbon fiber reinforcement. Available with shovel and hammer

Hot forged head in Chromolly Steel
Blade: Changeable+Reverse Positive
Shaft: Carbon composite + rubber
Resistance kg280 (Type B)
CE EN 13089 - Tipo B Basic Ice Axe

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