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Piolet X-Monster Hammer

Valuación 4,75/5 (Numero de votos: 4)

Grivel Axe X-Monster TO906.X New version of the Monster axe for ice climbing. The shaft is slightly straighter and the grip is better for vertical walls. The flexible shaft that so many climbers have recently discovered makes anchoring into cracks, including non vertical ones, easier and safer

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No disponible para esta zona geográfica: España  
Modelo: Grivel Piolet X-Monster
Codigo: TO906.X
All the accepted rules about climbing equipment were upset during the 2004-2005 season by Monster. Lots of Grivel competitors tried to stop this stampede even using underhand methods. But the concept was right and today the less extreme X Monster has arrived. The shaft is slightly straighter and the grip is better for vertical walls – the Monster on the other hand was perfect for overhangs – its multi-grip design lets the climber’s imagination run wild. A thinner pick for fragile ice. A shorter pick as the continuity between pick and shaft can anchor in deep as there’s nothing to stop the blade fitting in between two columns or in narrow cracks. The flexible shaft that so many climbers have recently discovered makes anchoring into cracks, including non vertical ones, easier and safer. Just remember the progress made on changing from rigid to flexible vaulting poles! The rear is almost a hammer shaped like “nuts”, ideal for anchoring and torqueing in larger cracks on mixed terrain, or with the a more classic shovel. A hole in the shaft can be used to attach a leash. Tiny anti slip claw at the end of the shaft. Modern graphics and accessible prices for those with limited funds typical of today’s younger generation. CE certification as a category 2 PPE.

Chromoly Steel
Blade: Changeable+Reverse Positive
Shaft: Plastic + rubber

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