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Granada Bósforo - Desodorante Perfumado Roll On 50ml

Valuación 4,67/5 (Numero de votos: 3)
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Helan Granada Bósforo - Desodorante Perfumado Roll On 50ml.

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Helan - Melagrana Del Bosforo - IAFSTORE.COMHelan
Desodorante Perfumado Roll On

essential oil of Salvia
vitamin E

• It does not affect transpiration
• No aluminum salts
• Without Preservatives
• Does not contain Alcohol or Gas Propellants

The new ROLL ON HELAN , particularly delicate on the skin, has been formulated to prevent the formation of odor by controlling the microorganisms responsible for the degradation of sweat. It combines purifying action of the essential oil of Salvia , the antioxidant activity of vitamin E as a pool of substances with anti - enzyme blocks the activity of enzymes used by bacteria to degrade the components of sweat , without interfering with the natural mechanism of perspiration from the skin .

ll ROLL ON HELAN fully respects the physiology of the skin with a minimization of the odor until 24 hours after the application while the sparkling bouquet dell'allegria Pomegranate Bosphorus , leaving the skin fresh fragrance that enhances the action.

Use: apply the product using the specific dispenser ball performing steps 2-3 in the affected areas . The roll-on dispenser distributes it evenly on the skin , gently , respecting the physiology of the skin , ensuring maximum comfort for the application.

pH orthodermic
without preservatives



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