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Olmo - After Shave Lotion 100ml

Valuación 5/5 (Numero de votos: 1)

Helan Olmo -
After Shave Lotion 100ml.

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Helan - Olmo - Men's Perfume - IAFSTORE.COMHelan
Olmo - After Shave Lotion
Gotu Kola and Red Vine

Surprisingly fresh and slightly alcoholic, is a classic aftershave that completes the act of shaving giving the skin a boost of energy.

Enriched with a unique blend of precious extracts of Centella asiatica and Red Vine, optimizes skin repair and renovation, while the bouquet recalls a harmonious balance of vital energizing atmosphere that is widely perceived on the skin.

Usage: applied to the face after shaving, the skin exudes invigorating and stimulating feelings of well-being.


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